Friday, June 22, 2012

Color Up!

Since I am a Political Science student, I need to be formal, and I need to look presentable all the time. There are some classes where i would have to be lawyer-like! Haha.

I was thinking of buying a few make up stuff this year. Not that i actually like make up, but i guess i would have to need it in a few occasions. Besides! I am a girl. But, i guess i can't do this, coz i still have lots of priorities than that. It's superficial.

My roommate, who likes painting our faces very much, made me her piece last night. Haha. I was really hesitant at first, but with those puppy eyes flashed on me, i couldn't refuse. She has done a lot of things for me and she's one hell of a great friend! Then I decided, yeah, why the hell not? haha



  1. why, you look pretty with a make up on! go lg ng go!

  2. yoko nga hahaha. just this time. haha
