"No one touched me like that..."
I've just complied everything for my medical certificate. And i tell you, it wasn't that easy! For the record, the process was more convoluted than students taking up marines.
I've undergone CBC check, X-ray, Urinalysis, Fecalysis for my laboratory. They checked my Blood pressure as every school normaly does, my pulse rate, cardiac rate, height and weight. They also checked my eyes through Snellen, I had my dental check, and the most dreaded of all was the breast check! I don't know what was that for, but they had a stethoscope and - I don't wanna go with the details. ahaha. I hated it.
Well, progression of the medical tests were strict. We had a dress code: wear shorts. I thought it was okay not to follow the dress code yet, i saw a girl, with only a towel draped right at her waist. We chatted and i knew why. She wore jeans, and the doctor asked her to take it off. She remained at that state from the start of the tests until it ended. oh, pity!
I also came to have a few acquaintances. A political science student too, soon to be classmate, HENNA. And Mary Jane, an AB english student. We exchanged few words, jokes, infos, history and stuffs. I hope we would get along someday.
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