Friday, March 8, 2013


You know Bitch. . . (Oh no. Sorry, you don't even deserve to be called a bitch 'coz you're not a real girl! In you're freaking dreams).

Let me start over. A more diplomatic approach with a seasoning of pity on you.

I really thought you were smart, but with your recent acts, you proved me wrong. If you've only known two sides, weighed on which contentions has more merit, and reacted on what is right, we could have understood you. You don't just react on something unknown to you. You reacted impulsively, and you said harsh things, you even generalized. That's where I find you at fault.

You don't even know what you are saying. You acted as if your SO freaking smart and we are so stupid with what we've done. In fact, you are stupid, we only fought for what is right. That's what you don't understand. which made you damn stupid.

We didn't do this because we wanted to prove something. We did it because we don't want to tolerate a crooked system that will govern us all. We wanted students to know, we want them to feel that they we're actually oppressed. We want them to realize that this has to stop. We do not want students to be as ignorant as you are. And what is wrong with that? Is it wrong because your narrow mind cannot accept a deviation from the status quo? Then you are a tolerant, ignorant and too conservative narrow minded bastard!

We did the right thing in a right way. If what we did was just making a scene, why don't you go to school, so we could make a true scene? Let's see if your skin doesn't peel off when we drag you all over the rough roads of WVSU.

Remember that you started this. We didn't post anything on social networking sites because we do things legally. We complained through petitions, and disseminated information through flyers when our petition was denied. It was part of the democratic process, and there was definitely nothing wrong with that. You alleged that we made a scene, and even branded us FAMEWHORES. What was unforgivable was calling all Pol.sci Students having NO ETHICS AND VALUES. Well, manong. Look at that. With you posting harsh words towards us, how dare you say that to us as if you have ethics and values. For me, your move, your contention, your reasons, your posts, your reaction, your words were all STUPID GAY ACTS. Nang daw pang waiting shed bala!

Because we cannot bear your harsh posts, and you turning the story round and about any longer, we accepted your challenge to meet us at school. We also wanted to explain to you our side, and grant you salvation from ignorance, but you turned back with your tail between your legs. That's how I look at it, Coward! Kaisog sa imo magpost2, di ka man gali ka atubang sa amon. And now, because you're so freaking scared you, post back stabs on twitter. Wow.

If you're so sure about what you said, you wouldn't be afraid facing all of us.

We were trying our best not to reply, to comment or to post anything about you because we don't want to step down on your level, there at the grass roots. This is why, i'm posting it here, not because I'm scared but because I don't want to step down and be a loser like you. You want this kind of fight right? I know this is where you're really good at. MANG-OKRAY. AGI ka nga daan. So, though i don't know how to okray properly, I think this is it.

I just wanted to express how much I wanted to stab you and cut your tongue and fingers right now.
Since, I've said something but not yet everything, I sign off to this issue and move on and study for my finals.


  1. this "okray" is for smart people only. how the hell is he gonna understand this? LOL. just kidding. whatever fight you have, remember these things - be humble, be patient and always be the one to understand no matter how ignorant and unkind the person may be. and also, i want to quote this, "if somebody hates you it only means you're doing something right." :)

    1. lol. i don't know how to okray. haha. thanks. I like that quote. We always bear that in mind, and that statement only proves how distorted the society is.
