Saturday, March 16, 2013


I have so many things in mind.
I have so many things I want to write about.
I have so many things to do.
I have so many things I want to do.

But since blogging my thoughts is a great reliever, I'm gonna write about a thing that bothers me at the moment.

Each one of us needs a friend. In fact, we always have that one friend we're most comfortable, and we call them our best friend. Best friends could either be a guy or a girl. It doesn't really matter. But for generalization's sake, let's use "He" as a pronoun.

If we go back to my younger younger years, i would probably define best friend as that certain someone who's always at your side, physically or emotionally, knows most of your inner feelings, your secrets, your likes, your desires, your mannerisms, your attitude, the size of your clothes, your shoes, your favorite book, the number of your split ends - oh, that was over the top, but the point is, he knows the whole you. But I realized as I mature, best friends doesn't necessarily have to be at your side, as long as he's someone who you could run to, that someone who understands you, that someone who you feel most comfortable with, do crazy things and even express your anger, and throw a tantrum in front of him. That person who always understands, I call him my best friend.

I don't need to know every single thing he does and he doesn't necessarily have to know what I always do. If you call this weird, and stick to that traditional meaning of bestfriend, well that's fine. But I am the kind of person who thinks it's good to keep things for myself. What's the point of keeping secrets, if someone reads it out of your mind anyway? Some overly attached bestfriends are psychics. haha. But it's still a good thing having someone understand you even when you don't say a word.

Enough of defining friendship. . .

I am the kind of person who doesn't hold grudges. I can't even last having a cold war for a few days with some friends. Just cheer me up and I will definitely smile back as if nothing happened. I take friendships seriously, that it even bothers me at night having a fight with someone. I say it casually as if i don't care but deep in side it hurts. I am the kind of person who likes to keep my feelings under my sleeve. I laugh as if nothing bothers me and I keep quiet when I can't bear it any longer or when I feel sooooo guilty with my wrongdoings against that person.

But what if you've done nothing wrong? Or you didn't know you've done something wrong? Will he not at least give you an answer? You know, the rudest thing I could ever imagine is talking to someone gaily then act as if your presence bears no meaning at all - as if you don't exist. When I get mad at someone, i don't entirely ignore them. When he asks, I give an answer as cold as ice, but I respond at least. When I ignore someone who persistently asks, it doesn't mean i'm mad. Certain circumstances just give me no time to answer, or I am currently talking to somebody. I can't give attention to both persons!

When someone treats me like shit, as shit as that shit, well I'll treat you like shit too.
As water does, people has boiling points too.
As high as mountains, people have pride too.
As pens lose ink, people lose patience too.
And as I sign off, something might sign off too.

I knocked, but the door was closed. The owner seems to be away, or pretends to be away.

*I am really sorry about the dogs, I just find them too cute. haha
credits to the owner of these photos.

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