Saturday, June 12, 2010

McDo Craze!

Good thing I still have remaining High school friends with me. In that way, I don’t feel so alone. It has already been a routine, that we eat at McDo on weekends or just once or twice a week so I have company.
We chose McDo as our meeting and eating place since McDo is cheaper than Jolibee or other food chains at Jaro. In just 50 pesos, you could already have a meal - McSavers.
It’s hard to go along with boys’ appetite. At first, we order a chicken fillet and after which, a sundae. We kept on with these orders for a few dinners, until our next meals came heavier. I guess, our heaviest meal was yesterday.
Kikay – Chicken Fillet with coke, burger, cokefloat.
Karl – Chicken Fillet with coke, burger and sundae.
Rue – Chicken Fillet with coke, burger, nuggets, sundae.

We also had lunch this noon, we all bought a chicken fillet, I bought a cokefloat and the twins bought sundaes. We bought two large fries and shared. Rue bought I guess, 3-4 sundaes? Rue has been really addicted with hot fudge sundae. He said, he’ll stop once he got enough of it. I guess, until he pukes! How I wish! He also said, If only he had unlimited money, he’ll buy a sundae machine, and he’ll eat every day until his stomach ached. As for me, I’ll never be tired of COKEFLOAT!

Of course, we don’t buy our food altogether at the same time. We buy it one at a time. That’s why, it takes us hours before leaving our tables. I’ve also seen the guard and the managers squinting at our direction. Perhaps they’re wondering, why we aren’t leaving. Ahaha. We made McDo our Tamabayan! Ahaha. After two hours or more, we left. “Thank you for coming to mcdonalds!” is what we heard. A thought came, perhaps, they should say, “Thank You for Leaving!” ahaha. We linger at McDo for long hours!

This is the disadvantage of studying and living near McDonalds!

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